Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UMS) held a graduation which was held at the K.H Ahmad Dahlan UMS Edutorium Building on December 24 2022, which was attended by 1,592 graduates of the Undergraduate Program (S-1) and 112 graduates of the Postgraduate Program (S-2). Of all the graduates, 560 graduated with a Cumlaude predicate, and FKIP contributed 213 students.
The UMS Teaching and Education Faculty held a mangayubagyo activity with the theme “Alumni FKIP Bercita-cita Tinggi dan Mulia serta Berguna bagi Masyarakat“, where 429 graduates from 11 study programs attended this graduation. DEE contributed 64 graduates, with the best student, Fajrul Falah Solihin, S.Pd, with a GPA of 3.81.