Tracer Alumni for English Language Education Study Program FKIP UMS Alumni

Tracer Alumni of the DEE FKIP UMS is a tracking system for graduates or alumni of the English Language Education Study Program FKIP UMS.

This activity aims to determine the distribution of graduates of the English Education Study Program FKIP UMS. The Alumni Tracer is; a study program evaluation material for graduates who have been produced to determine competency standards that are appropriate in the workplace, as information regarding relevant competencies for the workplace to improve curriculum and learning systems. Moreover, it can be utilized as a contribution to the accreditation process for higher education. Furthermore, the Alumni Tracer is used to track UMS DEE’s alumnis as they enter the workforce.

Alumni must complete the following forms:

UMS English Education Study Program alumni are asked to complete an Alumni Tracer questionnaire. We appreciate for all of your willingness to fill out the Alumni Tracer.