Reorganization is a work program held routinely every year to get a successor to the leadership of HMP EDSO DEE UMS. Where this activity was attended by all management and members of HMP EDSO to report work program evaluations, Standing Order meetings, Statutes Meetings (AD), and Bylaws Meetings (ART) as part of the accountability work program and evaluation. Then, a new management reorganization was implemented with deliberations regarding the new leader.
The reorganization was implemented by going through accountability sessions, discussing AD and ART, and ending with the election of a new chairman. Each general chairman candidate conveys the vision and mission related to the work program to be implemented and is followed by a question and answer session.
The daily core administrators of HMP EDSO FKIP UMS are:
Chairman: Arif Rahman W
General Secretary : Izza Asma Amanina U
General Exchequer: Siti Nur Insani
The core management and daily EDSO FKIP UMS 2023 will bring HMP in a better direction and become a place to increase its potential. As well as being a quality and superior person. Keep your spirit and ask for blessings for HMP EDSO FKIP UMS in the future!
(Wirausahawan, Islami, Cerdas, Andal, Rajin, dan Amanah)
?Ahmad Yani Street, Pabelan, Kartasura, Surakarta 57162, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
☎️ 0271717417 ext. 2131