The UMS FKIP English education study program (DEE FKIP UMS) received an award as the Study Program with the best study program performance index at
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Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris didirikan pada tahun 1984 dengan dasar hukum SK Dikti No. 0395/01/1984. Saat ini, Prodi terakreditasi UNGGUL berdasarkan SK No. 12080/SK/BAN-PT/AK-ISK/S/XI/2021. Program ini didesain dalam rangka menyelenggarakan pendidikan akademik untuk menghasilkan calon guru bahasa Inggris yang profesional, berkarakter, bermoral islami dan berwawasan global.
The UMS FKIP English education study program (DEE FKIP UMS) received an award as the Study Program with the best study program performance index at
The University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta Community Service and Organizational Development Institute (LMPPP UMS) sent 51 students from various UMS faculties to participate in the Cianjur
Mononomosumi is a non-commercial Edu-Tech platform recognized for contributing to the application of technology in education and providing support to students, writers, and school stakeholders.
The Student Creativity Program (PKM) is one of the annual programs organized by the Directorate General of Higher Education under the management of Belmawa. This
Reorganization is a work program held routinely every year to get a successor to the leadership of HMP EDSO DEE UMS. Where this activity was
English Language Education Study Program (DEE), UMS held a Workshop on Increasing the Professionalism of Middle School and High School/Vocational High School English Teachers on
Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UMS) held a graduation which was held at the K.H Ahmad Dahlan UMS Edutorium Building on December 24 2022, which was attended
To informed that several years ago, UMS collaborated with software company Google with the Google for Education program. The program has a Cloud Storage service
DEE FKIP UMS again held a Credit Transfer program attended by 40 selected students to carry out lecture activities at Pangasinan State University (PSU) for