To informed that several years ago, UMS collaborated with software company Google with the Google for Education program. The program has a Cloud Storage service called Google Drive (Gdrive). Initially, the Gdrive quota was not limited, but in June 2022, Google imposed a quota limit of 100 Terrabytes (TB) for each educational institution, including UMS.
Currently, the storage usage on Gdrive UMS reaches 191.23 TB. This means that UMS has exceeded the storage limit imposed by Google. This has the potential to stop Google services for UMS. This problem will result in losses for all IT stakeholders & UMS institutions because they cannot use Google applications with accounts, such as email, forms, sheets, docs, and others.
To maintain the Google for Education services at UMS, there are several policies applied:
- Gdrive storage for Lecturers/Teachers is limited to 15GB & 7GB for Students and is prioritized for teaching and learning activities
- Starting December 30, 2022, an account that still exceeds with will suspend the storage quota limit
It is recommended to the entire UMS academic community to,
- Move the file to another local storage media/cloud storage (Gdrive outside UMS, Microsoft Onedrive, etc.)
- Only store data on the UMS Gdrive that you need & frequently access online.
Thus this information & recommendations are conveyed. Thank you for your attention.
Wassalaamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
Bureau of IT-UMS