Focus Group Discussion for Revitalization of Curriculums

Focus Group Discussion for Revitalization of Curriculums

The study program held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) 3 times with the following details.
The 1st FGD was sharing about the MBKM curriculum model by inviting one resource person from UIN Malang, Dr. Agus Maimun. Meanwhile, the invited participants were all lecturers of the English Education Study Program, FKIP, UMS.
FGD 2 was conducted to analyze the need for curriculum changes by inviting stakeholders to get input on the curriculum. Participants who were invited were lecturers of the English Education Study Program, FKIP, UMS, alumni, and DUDI (Lorin Syariah Hotel Manager, principal). This activity was led by the MBKM curriculum formulation team.
FGD 3 is the evaluation and alignment of the curriculum and its instruments (RPS) by inviting resource persons, Dr. Edy Cahyono, M. Si. By involving Study Program lecturers and stakeholders.