Another Day Another Achievement, These Oustanding Student Won National Podcast Competition

These outstanding students have made the Department of English Education (DEE) family proud again.

Yes, they are Nawal Sabira, Tia Kurnia Sari, and Andini Putri. Those outstanding students previously succeeded to become the third winner in the national Digital Based Startup competition. (Read here)

At this time, the three of them are participating in the competition individually. The competition is titled Sebelas Maret Startup Summit which is held by the Student Executive Board (BEM) of Sebelas Maret University with the theme “Exploring Potential Through Technological Advances”.

It consists of three categories, namely podcasts, posters, and photo captions. The three of them participated in the podcast category. Nawal chose the “startup” topic to talk about in her podcast, while Tia and Andini chose the “science and technology” topic.

Unmitigated, they won first, second, and third consecutively. Andini won first place, Tia won second, and Nawal won third.

Anyway, they want to keep trying various competitions with different branches to explore their abilities.