Alhamdulillah, after a thorough selection and finalization process, we extend our heartfelt congratulations to:
- Salsabila Roiqoh, a DEE student from the class of 2022, who secured 2nd place in the International Essay Competition (AILEC) 2024.
- Rifda Ghaitsa Tsuraya, a student from the class of 2021, who achieved 3rd Runner Up in the International Essay Competition (AILEC) 2024.
This prestigious competition, organized by Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, serves as a platform for showcasing high-quality essays on an international level. Their success highlights the dedication and exceptional writing skills of both students.
This achievement is not only a source of pride but also an inspiration for all students to continue striving for excellence and showcasing their talents on the global stage.
DEE Beraksi, DEE Berprestasi!