There were 2,339 students of Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta from undergraduate and postgraduate programs. Graduation was held on 18 and 19 March 2023 at the Edutorium Building K.H., Ahmad Dahlan UMS. 45% of students, equivalent to 1.054 students, graduated cum laude.

FKIP UMS students, as many as 402 graduates, were also part of the graduation held in March through Prof. Dr. Sofyan Anif, M.Si as the Rector of UMS at the FKIP UMS Graduate Debriefing, which was held on Tuesday, March 14, 2023, explained that FKIP UMS graduates are proud to be FKIP graduates.
“Teachers are the heart of students at any time who work hard as heroes of the nation, where professional teachers not only teach well. But always develop themselves.”
Prof. Dr. Sutama, M. Pd also conveyed that IP is not the only important thing, but working smartly without limits.
On this occasion, FKIP also presented Yasa Griya Sejati, S.Pd., M.Pd, to motivate the graduates of FKIP UMS.
Graduation is, of course, the happiest moment awaited by every student, going through college periods full of challenges and happiness. In the end, friends have reached the highly anticipated point. All the struggles can give satisfying results. Keep working hard, everyone!