Time flies, the demand for the teaching profession is increasing. However, those who have the opportunity to become teachers are not only those who take teacher education. This is evidenced by the fact that the Teacher Professional Program (PPG) does not only accept students with a teacher education background but also non-teacher students. Of course, this can reduce the opportunity for students with a background in teacher training to become teachers. Therefore, in this second year of the PKKM grant, the English Language Education Study Program will improve students’ entrepreneurial abilities by providing mentoring and funding assistance for students who already have small businesses.
The Student Entrepreneurship Program is part of the MBKM Program, where the DEE UMS won the grant to improve the quality and relevance of higher education institutions. The Student Entrepreneurship Program is implemented using a question-and-answer discussion model (mentoring), starting with a presentation of the material (a workshop) by business actors and expert entrepreneurship practitioners. This activity presented two presenters, Mr. Ismail Roni and Mr. Harjianto from the Surakarta MSME Forum, who have professionally overseen various MSMEs.
Students attended the activity through several processes up to the final report, which lasted for four months and included socialization, registration, selection, debriefing workshops, disbursement of funds, mentoring, and preparing the final word. Besides that, students also get the opportunity to convert as many as two credits, namely in the Language Service Program Design (LSPD) course.
(Wirausahawan, Islami, Cerdas, Andal, Rajin, dan Amanah)
?Jl. Ahmad Yani, Pabelan, Kartasura, Surakarta 57162, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
? http://www.deeums.ac.id
☎️ 0271717417 ext. 2131