FKIP UMS Graduation Period 1 for 2022/2023 Academic Year

Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UMS) held Graduation Period 1 for the 2022/2023 academic year at the UMS KH Ahmad Dahlan Edutorium for two days on September 17–18, 2022, with a total of 27,788 graduates, consisting of 26,699 S1 graduates and 109 S2 graduates.

The total number of fantastic graduates made UMS win two awards from LEPRID: TikTok Video in the Room with the Most Participants with LEPRID charter No. 789 and the Largest Campus Auditorium Building with LEPRID charter No. 770.

The UMS Teaching and Education Faculty (FKIP) also contributed 275 students to graduate from 10 undergraduate study programs. On September 15, 2022, FKIP UMS held a debriefing and release of undergraduate candidates at the M. Djazman Auditorium on Campus 1 with the theme “Become a FKIP UMS’ CAKAP Alumni (Smart, Trustful, Competent, Reliable, and Renewal).”

On this occasion, Prof. Dr. Sutama, as the Dean of FKIP UMS, told graduates to be professional and brave to face challenges because a new struggle will begin after graduation.

“Don’t worry about all kinds of problems. The closer you get to your goals, the more serious the problems you face, and you have to be sure that every problem has a silver lining. “Learn to be a butterfly with metamorphosis and always uphold the name of our beloved UMS,” he said.

DEE Student in FKIP Graduation

He also advised students to be serious in fighting for their goals because, after graduating from college, they must face many changes and challenges with high mobility.

(Wirausahawan, Islami, Cerdas, Andal, Rajin, dan Amanah)

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