Today, August 16 2024, Audit Internal Mutu(AMI) was carried out at the Department of English Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta This audit is part of an effort to ensure that the quality management system implemented in this study program is running in accordance with established standards.
The implementation of AMI was led by the Head of the Auditor Team, Dr. Titis Setyabudi, M.A., with members of the internal audit team from the English Language Education Study Program consisting of:
1. Suharyanto, S.Pd., M.Ed.
2. Susiati, S.Pd., M.Ed.
3. Syahara Dina Amalia, S.Pd., M.Ed.
4. Nur Hidayat, M.Pd.
Apart from that, several students also participated in helping with the AMI implementation process, namely:
1. Amdan Afdzulah
2. Ferizqo
3. Fariz
4. Arif Rahman Widya Murti
5. Siti Nur Insani
6. Fadhila Usamah
7. Alaiky Uswatul Ulya
8. Amelia Riski Dian Pramukti
The audited aspects include:
– Institutional Strengthening Performance
– Institutional Development Performance
During the audit, Husni Thamrin, M.T., Ph.D., and Dr. Santhyami, S.Si., M.Si., examined supporting documents, interviews with related parties, and direct observation of the processes taking place in the program study. The findings and recommendations resulting from this audit will be officially submitted to management to be used as a reference in making improvements and improving quality in the future.
The AMI show went smoothly and closed at 15.00 WIB. The results of this audit will be immediately reported in the form of a written document to the Lembaga Jaminan Mutu Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta.