Organizational Structure and Administration

head of the study program

  1. Name: Mauly Halwat Hikmat, Ph.D
  2. NIDN: 0613066801
  3. Areas of expertise: English Language Teaching
  4. Address: Abello Residence Gg. Finches No. 19 Purbayan, Sukoharjo.
  5. Mobile Number: 087812737206
  6. Email: [email protected]

Secretary of Study Program I

  1. Name: Aryati Prasetyarini, M.Pd.
  2. NIDN: 0605107001
  3. Areas of expertise: English Language Teaching
  4. Address: Perum Gumpang Baru I, Jl. Arjuna II, B-8, Gumpang, Kartasura.
  5. Mobile Number: 081225756230
  6. Email: [email protected]

Secretary of Study Program II

  1. Name: Susiati, M.Ed
  2. NIDN: 0612028501
  3. Areas of expertise: English Language Teaching
  4. Address: RT03 RW02, Ambowetan, Ulujami, Pemalang.
  5. Mobile Number: 081329502070
  6. Email: [email protected]

Head of Laboratory

  1. Name: Syahara Dina Amalia, M.Ed
  2. NIDN: 0621068401
  3. Areas of expertise: English Language Teaching
  4. Address: Pucangan RT03 RW13 No. 5A, Kartasura, Kab. Sukoharjo 57167
  5. Mobile number: 085770549553
  6. Email: [email protected]